【歌词翻译】Donut Hole -rap ver.-

Rachie – Donut Hole -rap ver.-

(题图:ドーナツホール | ナルヲリ https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/39607406)

一首八爷的《ドーナツホール》的英文填词翻唱版,可以在 YouTube 上试听下载。


2019 年 11 月 4 日

Donut Hole -rap ver.-
原曲: Dount Hole
作曲: Hachi
作词: Mes, Rachie
演唱: Rachie
歌词翻译: 漠伦

Shaking, breaking, all these feelings【颤抖不已 几近崩溃 这些感觉】
intensely pressing on to the night so dark and revealing【压迫得这夜晚如此漆黑却又如此真切】
A heart with a hole gaping wide【这颗心已深深割裂】
Tell me where can I find where my love didn’t fall?【不知去哪才能找到一份不会失去的爱恋】
There’s just no way no way–【无处存在 全无办法】
And like an endless loop, it spins around again【仿佛永无止境的轮回 此刻又再度开始转动】
If it’s my question’s answer, I’ll throw it back again【如果这就是给我的回答 那我宁愿把它原样奉还】
Tongue-tie, goodbye, donut hole【舌头打结 哑然无言 说声再见】
Midnight ensemble, like this【甜甜圈的午夜合奏现已响起 正如下面这曲——】

When did I get these memories?【这些记忆是从何而来】
I cannot reminisce with such a great quantity【我已不知何时它们已积攒如此之巨】
I tried and tried but failed to recall all to mind【百遍尝试也无法忆起分毫】
and in my memory this is the only thing precise【但却有一样仍旧历历在目】

Try again and over again【再来一次再来一次无论再来几次】
Always the same old face emerges in my brain【忆起的依旧是那副熟悉音容】
Even so I do not know the reason why【即便如此我却仍无法知晓】
Why you’re the only one that I can’t recollect in mind【为何只有你的记忆散碎四处无法回眸】

The belt line wraps the tellurion【那条围绕着地球仪的循环路线】
it’s going round ‘n’ round, chasing the morning sun【一圈一圈飞驰追逐着太阳】
Even though we do not need a rail to fly【尽管我们不必遵循轨道飞行】
Likewise, we’re running on ‘n’ on chasing the morning light【却心甘情愿去追逐晨曦那缕微光】

Try again, again and again【再来一次再来一次无论再来几次】
Always the same old face emerges in my brain【忆起的依旧是那副熟悉音容】
Raining on my eyelids to rejoice【眼睑之下的落雨仿佛是要庆祝】
fading away before it being heard – that gloomy voice【在听到那黯淡的声音之前便悄然逝去】

Not knowing anything at all and like this always【不知这样一无所知下去】
Wouldn’t this hurt you from the inside out everyday?【会不会让你每天每天都里外被伤个遍】
Yet it still makes me feel horribly topsy turvy【时至今日这仍让我辗转反侧惊惶不安】
If you knew I toss and turn for this I bet you would laugh…【如果你知道我还会因此而无法入眠 我赌你一定会笑出来吧】

The simple feelings of us is all that I count【这简单的感情便是现在我能细数的全部】
As a result the warmth that you shared with me is now nowhere to be found【走到最后就连你分享的温暖都被忘却 现在已不见踪影无处寻觅】
Bye Bye, and we’ll never ever meet again【挥手说声再见 我们已经不会再度相会】
Don’t ask me why do I feel this way all along between you and I【别再问我为何你我之间这番阴郁消散不去】
I cannot break into a smile so let this be our goodbye【我连一丝微笑都挤不出来 只能让这首歌当作我们的告别】

Just like a donut with a hole,【就像那甜甜圈的洞口】
it is impossible for us to keep it all in whole【任谁也不能将它整个摘下】
Testifying you were really here 【要想证明你真的存在于此地】
to me it’s just another wild impossibility【对我来说已经是不可能之事】

Try again and over again【再来一次再来一次无论再来几次】
Always the same old face emerges in my brain【忆起的依旧是那副熟悉音容】
I’m all alone again tonight【今夜的我依旧孑然一身】
lying in bed biting my nails waiting for morning light【蜷缩被窝咬着指甲等待晨曦到来】

If there were, really were, a thought that never withers【如果这世界真的存在不会熄灭的思念】
so the pain of you and I would ever be comforted?【那我对你的思念能够哪怕些许缓解吗】
All things torn, dead and gone, then I’ll no longer hope on【万念俱灰 非死即逝 我已不再抱有任何期望】
Give me something concrete to fill with, that is all I want【我想要的只是能够填补这空洞的东西 只是这样就足够了】

The expired feelings of us is all that I count【这些逝去的感情便是我现在能细数的全部】
As a result the music you wrote for me is now without joy and sound【走到最后就连你写给我的歌也失去了一切欢愉与律动】
Bye Bye, and we’ll never ever meet again【再见了 我们不会再度相会了】
Don’t ask me why do I feel this way all along between you and I【别再问我为何你我之间这番阴郁消散不去】
My heart breaks into tears so just let this song be our goodbye【我的心已化作泪水 只能让这首歌当作我们的告别】

Not knowing what your name was and just crying (“I’m so useless”)【想不起你的名字 只是止不住地哭泣 “我怎么这么没用”】
But even so gimme a chance, I’m trying! (“You know I’m trying!”)【但即使如此反复再来 我也一直在努力 “你知道我一直在努力!”】
Falling down, by mistake, in this hole that your existence made【一时失足 便跌落不复 掉进这个因你的存在而残缺的洞口】
Exhausted, couldn’t move, and it was then I saw it- 【精疲力尽 动弹不得 就在那时我满眼目睹——】

Running away into delusion-like fantasies【四处逃亡 一头扎进哄骗一般的妄想】
God, let me end this thing and finally set me free【我的主啊 我该何时才能结束这场噩梦重获自由】
Breaking, crashing, yes, this is the refrain I wanted to cut off-【惨遭重击 崩溃碎裂 现在咏唱的便是我意欲切断的副歌——】

Help me…【救救我……】

The cavity in my heart tearing me apart【内心的空洞让我千疮百孔濒临破裂】
Now it’s the one and only thing that proves you were here with me before【现在却成为了你曾与我同在的唯一证明】
You’ll never know how much I feel empty inside【你永远都不会知晓我是如此孤独无依】
My heart is torn into a thousand pieces leave it as it’s alright【我的心被撕扯成千万碎片 求你别再去碰它就让它那样】

The simple feelings of us is all that I count【这简单的感情便是现在我能细数的全部】
As a result the warmth that you shared with me is now nowhere to be found【走到最后就连你分享的温暖都被忘却 现在已不见踪影无处寻觅】
Bye Bye, and we’ll never ever meet again【挥手说声再见 我们已经不会再度相会】

Finally I remember the message you called out to me that night【最后的最后我终于回忆起那句讯息 就在你将我叫出来的最后那晚】
Peacefully take my every breath and gently open my eyes【那一刻我平静自己的气息 缓慢张开双眼】
Gently open my eyes【缓缓张开双眼】
Gently open my eyes【缓缓张开双眼】

What is the name you lived by?【“你的名字是?”】

The end
